Greek Lamb on a spit




The roasting of the Paschal lamb is a Greek tradition that is carried out with great joy and celebration. After seven long weeks of fasting and dietary restrictions, families and friends gather together for a great feast, the highlight of which is this traditional centerpiece.



*1 whole lamb 30-35lbs
*olive oil
*Fresh crushed garlic or garlic powder
*Greek Oregano
*Whole Lemons
*Natural wood charcoal




Prepare the ladolemono by mixing the olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper and fresh oregano. This really is something you prepare to taste depending on how strong you enjoy the various flavor components. You will need at least 4 cups as you will be basting the entire lambs multiple times during cooking.

Prepare your workspace by cutting some contractor bags open and placing them flat on a sturdy table.

Place the lamb on the spit. To secure the lamb, tie the legs to the spit using thick strong wire or U clips. You will also need to attach the spine of the lamb to the skewer by cutting 2 incisions into the lamb and using the U clips, or wire, to attach the spine to the skewer.

Generously baste the whole lamb, inside and out, with the latholemono. Wrap the lamb up using the contractor bags and store overnight in a cold area or on ice.

Take the lamb out and unwrap the contractor bags.

Prepare the rotisserie, or Souvla, by placing the wood charcoal in a pile right in the center. This will help the wood charcoal light better. Once the flame has died down, spread out the coal to both sides of the grill. Avoid having the wood charcoal in the middle, as it will burn the lamb.

Place the lamb on the highest rung of the souvla. The purpose of this is to slowly warm up the lamb. After about a half an hour you can lower it to be closer to the flame.

Let the lamb slow roast, basting with the ladolemono every half hour or so. The lamb should take about 4-5 hours for an average 30-35lb lamb. Keep an eye on the lamb and raise the skewer higher if the lamb is beginning to burn.
Don’t forget to take a sample right from the spit as it’s cooking. The best meze is straight from the spit!!




Recipe from Greek Boston







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